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Glorymar Fernandez Teams up with Need for Speed Most WantedBilingual post - EA partners with a Latina racer. |
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We know EA has partnered celebrity women in the past to promote their Need for Speed games, but this time is more interesting because the partner in question is Puerto Rican race car driver Glorymar Fernandez. Obviously, we're glad to see a Latina in the spotlight. Check below for the announcement from EA.
Hailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Glorymar Fernandez has teamed up with this holiday season’s most anticipated video game: Need for Speed Most Wanted. As one of the few Latinas to make a name for herself in the predominantly male-dominated sport, we’re proud to have Glory represent Need for Speed Most Wanted and all of its fans.
With crystal clear graphics, and a smooth, realistic and always-connected driving experience, Need for Speed Most Wanted has videogame fans counting down the days until its release on October 30th. The anticipation hasn't been limited to gamers – professional racecar drivers like Glorymar Fernandez regard Need for Speed as one of her favorite games off the course, and one of her most inspiring training tools on the course.
In its 18-year run, Need for Speed continues to define automotive culture for millions of fans like Glory, with its embrace of the car lifestyle and its cool rebellious attitude. Need for Speed has sold more than 165 million games in 60 countries.
Follow Glory on Twitter: @GloryRacing and Like her on Facebook www.facebook.com/gloryfernandezracing
Desde San Juan, Puerto Rico llega Glorymar Fernandez para unirse al juego más esperado de esta temporada: Need for Speed Most Wanted. Como una de las pocas Latinas en este tipo de competencia que tradicionalmente ha sido considerada territorio masculino, nos enorgullece contar con Glory para representar Need for Speed Most Wanted y todos sus fans.
Con gráficos cristalinos y una experiencia de conducción suave, realista y siempre conectada, Need for Speed Most Wanted tiene fans de videojuegos contando los días para su lanzamiento el 30 de octubre. La anticipación no ha sido limitada a los jugadores – pilotos profesionales de carreras como Glorymar Fernández consideran Need for Speed como uno de sus juegos favoritos fuera del curso y una de sus herramientas de entrenamiento más inspiradoras en el curso.
En su carrera de 18 años, Need for Speed sigue definiendo la cultura automotriz para millones de fans como Glorymar, con su compromiso al estilo de vida del coche y su actitud rebelde y cool. Need for Speed ha vendido más de 165 millones de juegos en 60 países.
Sigue a Glory por Twitter: @GloryRacing y regálale un Like en Facebook www.facebook.com/gloryfernandezracing
About the Author
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Rafael is the founder and video editor of latinogamer.com. Currrently a graduate student at California State University, Los Angeles pursuing his master's degree in Computer Science. He loves reading and learning about video game history and development. His dream is to be a video game designer.
Rafael es el creador y editor de video de latinogamer.com. Es estudiante de posgrado en la universidad del estado de california, los ángeles trabajando hacia su maestría en la ciencia de computación. Le encanta leer y aprender acerca de la historia y desarrollo de videojuegos. Su sueno es ser diseñador de videojuegos. |